September 16, 2024


Home living innovation

Welcome To The Beach Sign Makeover


You know, there are just those projects that give you a heck of a time. You know the ones.
This was one of those ones! lol
I mean, how? It’s such a simple project but hey, that’s how it goes sometimes.

white sign with welcome on front

Let me tell you all about it! 😉

Welcome to the Beach Sign

But first, let me remind you that this is one from my latest haul…

thrift store items before

Only two more to go, then I’m off to shop for a bunch of new goodies. I may do that next week in the OBX, so stay tuned.

Missed any of the makeovers? You can see them right here:

Here’s how this sign started…

brown stained sign dated with fresh herbs

I cleaned it up, lightly sanded it, and then spray painted it with primer and then white flat spray paint.
I actually did it a while back then got stuck on what kind of sign I wanted to make so it sat for a bit painted.

So I thought I’d just transfer my graphic onto the painted board using carbon paper and then hand paint it in. So simple!

using carbon paper to transfer image


Yep, for sure, just look how nicely that transferred.

image transferred onto board with carbon paper

Painting in that small print on the bottom, not so much. And no, I didn’t get a photo of it because I immediately knew hand painting
was not going to work.
It looked like a 5-year-old was painting it! haha
It’s SO much easier to paint script than the perfectly straight type font like above.

Anyway, so I sprayed it again with white paint to cover that up and let it sit overnight.

So the first try was a bust. Let’s go with the Silhouette and cut out a stencil instead. Yes!

Welcome vinyl cutout

I had some white vinyl so grabbed that and cut it out.
Attached it to the painted board and then painted in the “stencil” I cut with black paint.

rolling black paint over vinyl cutout

Yippee!! Almost done!!


I pulled off the white vinyl and then bunches of the white paint from the board along with it. Boo!
You know I was about ready to throw in the towel…but wait, there’s more. (haha)

No, I didn’t take a picture of it, I just scrapped the vinyl and immediately went to work on fixing it…again.
This time I sanded the wood all the way down…painted a coat of my Ultra Grip, and let it dry overnight before painting.

Then I used some of my white paint (instead of dumb ole spray paint) to paint the board this time, 2 coats.

Once it was very dry, I cut out another piece of vinyl. But just before I attached it to the board I freaked out and thought, no, the white vinyl is very sticky. (even after I tried to unsticky it a bit) It’s going to pull the paint again, I just know it! (I don’t think it would have this time actually but I was gunshy)

So, I cut it out again using Contact paper because that stuff is not near as sticky as my vinyl.

image cutout with contact paper

I attached it to my board …

contact paper on board using as a stencil

Made sure it was pressed down very well all over and rolled my black paint again.

rolling the stencil with black paint

Yay, almost done, again!


black letters on white board bleedy looking

Noooooo. Ugh.

That is the reason I don’t use contact paper often. It’s bleedy because it’s not all that sticky.
Darn it.

Well, we are rolling with this one, I’m just going to have to hand paint white all around those letters to get rid of the bleedy areas.

black lettering on white board

So that’s what I did.

And now it’s done…

white welcome sign in window

Whew! That was a project. lol

white welcome sign on wood shelf

And just how it goes sometimes.

welcome sign up close

Much better.

black and white welcome sign on blue dresser

I bet you are wondering about the sign, huh?
Yep, we have decided to dip our toes into renting out our condo. We are going to rent to close friends and family first and see what we think.
We may open it up to others after that. Baby steps, y’all. 🙂

I’ll share where we are putting it over on my Instagram stories when we get to the beach. Stay tuned!

Here’s a list of all the things I used…


PIN it to save it!

Welcome to the beach sign to welcome all your guests! Easy to make with a thrifted sign to start!

Have you ever had such a tough project? Problem after problem? Haven’t we all??
It was worth it to finish it though, and 3rd time’s the charm, right?

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and a wonderful Memorial Day!


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