January 24, 2025


Home living innovation

Informazione sismica: Mag. 1.3 earthquake – Quarry Blast

Debile terremoto magnitudine 1.3 - Quarry Blast - 7km SSE of Home Gardens, CA, USA, mercoledì, 20 gennaio 2021

Minor magnitude 1.3 earthquake at 1 km depth

20 Jan 21:01 UTC: Primo a segnalare: USGS dopo 58 minuti.

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Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies

Info: The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.

Magnitudine Profondità Ubicazione Fonte
M 1.3 0.5 km Quarry Blast – 7km SSE of Home Gardens, CA, USA USGS

User reports for this quake

At magnitude 1.3, this quake was too small to be felt by humans, but it was recorded instrumentally.